
فاطمة بني أحمد

أحد مؤسسي الشبكة

فاطمة من الأردن، تعمل مدققة معلومات ومدربة ومتخصصة في المجال العلمي وبالأخص تغير المناخ وفي مجال التربية الإعلامية وهي كاتبة في المجال العلمي، عملت قديما كمهندسة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية.

About the Network

Arab Youth Green Voices is a non-profit civil society network. Its organizers, young men and women from several Arab countries, seek to support transformative change in the issue of climate change and environmental problems by raising awareness of these issues and focusing on the efforts of young men and women in the region in this regard. Especially in the Arab world by providing reliable content and young success stories that dealt with problems related to climate change and the environment in the region.

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AYGVN target


Focusing on young Arab efforts in climate change and environmental issues, shedding light on them to make their ideas alive or effective and building their capacities. Creating authentic, meaningful, engaging and effective content on climate change and environmental issues. Involving young men and women in green campaigns that seek to reduce the effects of climate change in Arab societies Cooperate with experts in the Arab region on the subject of climate change and environmental issues, and connect them with the Arab public to perform the network's message regarding public awareness.

AYGVN vision

AYGVN Vision

Raising environmental and climatic societal awareness in the Arab world, introducing them to the issue of climate change and environmental problems and their impact on their lives, and involving young men and women and making them a key partner in this process. The network also aims to create creative initiatives in cooperation with the Arab youth group to find innovative and creative solutions to solve climate and environmental problems and help young people to communicate their ideas at the local and international levels.

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