
فاطمة بني أحمد

أحد مؤسسي الشبكة

فاطمة من الأردن، تعمل مدققة معلومات ومدربة ومتخصصة في المجال العلمي وبالأخص تغير المناخ وفي مجال التربية الإعلامية وهي كاتبة في المجال العلمي، عملت قديما كمهندسة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية.

About US

Ghadir Taira

Co-Founder & Event Coordinator

Ghadir from Yemen, a freelance journalist and young feminist activist, communications and advocacy specialist working in civil society organizations and podcasting industry, also an impact producer for environmental documentaries. Ghadir is a strong advocate for youth and women’s participation and climate action. She is dedicated to telling the stories of women’s impact and highlighting Yemeni nature and its connection to Yemeni cultural history

Saed Hanani

Co-Founder & Communication Coordinator

Saed, from Palestine, an Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineer. Hanani has been selected as part of the youth climate leaders delegation at COP28. He is an active advocate in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship, serving as the founder and CEO of the startup Furange, and a Co-Founder of Foras Khadra platform.

Loay Al-Atrash

Loay Alatrash - Chairman and Co-Founder of AYGVN

Loay from Palestine, is working as a water and environmental engineer, and he is active in the water and climate change sector. Loay believes with the ability of the youth to make the difference, Loay is saying, all of the times one young person may not do anything but the chain of the young will make a change. 

Ghenwa kataya

Ghenwa kataya - Co-Founder & Event Coordinator

Ghenwa from Lebanon, an environmental engineer and a Ph.D. researcher in environmental and earth sciences, specializing in organic waste valorization and water treatment. She co-founded two startup companies focused on organic waste recycling.

Albatool Sarraf

AYGVN Member & IT Specialist

Albatool is a computer engineer from Iraq, serves as a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer in the field of human rights, Her committed vision aims to build a more just society, As an environmental activist, Albatool works tirelessly to contribute to environmental preservation and raise awareness about the importance of sustainability, she also has established her own startup dedicated to reviving sustainable heritage. 

Izzeddine Beriber

AYGVN Member & Communication Coordinator

  Izzeddine from Algeria, a water engineer, an activist in the environmental and youth fields, I encourage young people and organizations to participate in regional projects in the Mediterranean and MENA region, I believe that young people carry within them multiple energies and creativity, and that is why they represent the most important element in the process of comprehensive social and economic development that contemporary societies need.

Maryam Al-Fasisi

AYGVN Member & Projects Coordinator

Maryam from Jordan, she holds a master’s in International Management of Sustainable Food Supply Chains, an activist and researcher in the fields of food security, green innovation, and sustainable cities. On a mission to combat hunger at both Arab and international levels, actively researching ways to integrate technology with environmental sustainability for the adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of climate change.

Rawan Rajab

Co-Founder and Social Media Coordinator​

Rawan from Palestine, Design and Applied Arts Graduate, Founder and CEO of blue stone project which focuses on glass waste recycling and transformation for beauty products. Rawan Believes each of us can harness our efforts in preserving the environment.

Fatima Bani Ahmad

Co-Founder and Coordinator

Fatima from Jordan, a Fact-Checker and Coach who specializes in debunking scientific myths especially climate change claims, in addition to the Media Literacy field, also, she is a science writer. In the past she worked as an engineer in the solar energy field.