
فاطمة بني أحمد

أحد مؤسسي الشبكة

فاطمة من الأردن، تعمل مدققة معلومات ومدربة ومتخصصة في المجال العلمي وبالأخص تغير المناخ وفي مجال التربية الإعلامية وهي كاتبة في المجال العلمي، عملت قديما كمهندسة في مجال الطاقة الشمسية.

The Green Voices Network for Arab Youth launches its second edition

As part of its first event in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on August 22 and 23, 2023, the Green Voices Network for Arab Youth held the closing ceremony and training for the new team members, consisting of 16 young entrepreneurs, on important topics related to the environment and climate change, who were chosen from 9 Arab countries following the Green Voices competition, which was presented by the network last May in its second edition.

This event comes in partnership with the Wetskills team and with the support of the Dutch Embassy in Jordan, and in the presence of the Dutch Ambassador to Amman, Harry Vervay. More than 50 guests participated in this occasion, including activists, young entrepreneurs, experts, and representatives from the Dutch Embassy, in addition to Arab and Dutch participants from The Wetskills Team and the Green Voices Network.

On the first day and at the conclusion of the training in which the network participated with the Wetskills team over a period of 10 days to produce solutions to the water challenges in their countries, the contestants presented their ideas before the jury consisting of male and female experts from several local and international institutions.

The head of the Green Voices Network, Engineer Louay Al-Atrash, presented a summary of the network, its work, and its goals in raising awareness about the environment and climate change in Arabic. The envoy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Middle East and North Africa region for water, food, and energy, Jacob Waslander, gave a presentation summarizing the situation we have reached due to the repercussions of climate change, emphasizing the The importance of the efforts of youth and the network in the presence of a generation that makes the necessary effort to spread awareness about this issue in the Arabic language. This was followed by the announcement of the winners of the Green Voices Network competition in the Arab region in its second session.

On the second day, 16 members of the network’s second session participated in a training conducted by the network’s advisory board, during which the most important skills necessary to verify information related to the environment and climate change were presented to publish reliable content with the specialist in verifying information, Fatima Bani Ahmed, and provided to the researcher and engineer, Ghinwa Qataya. Trainees are provided with information related to the circular economy and its importance for reducing carbon emissions.

At the end of the training day, the owner of the pioneering paper recycling project, Alaa Janbak, participated in a practical training session on how to recycle paper to use it in other practical ways.

It is worth noting that the Green Voices Network will continue its upcoming training for the team with virtual sessions as part of its efforts aimed at spreading awareness in the Arab region about the environment and climate change.